Amber - Properties, benefits, uses, meanings, associations
Although popular with crystal collectors and healers, Amber is not actually a crystal at all! It is in fact, an organic mixture of hydrocarbons; Fossilised tree resin, formed at least four million years ago, and sometimes containing trapped insects or plant material within. It is quite soft and feels like a resin to the touch. Of course, this leaves plenty of room for forgery, but you can tell real amber by it's ability to collect static electricity. Interestingly, It's common name in ancient Greek was "Elektron" due to it's sunny, warming energy, which under pins many of it's holistic uses today.
Amber has a rich history of use. Once used for incense, yet now considered to valuable, Amber was used in Egyptian jewellery in 2000 BC as well as Europe in the middle ages, where Amber rosary beads were popular. It even features in Greek mythology, where Phaeton was killed by lightening. His sisters were turned to poplar trees by their grief and shed tears of amber.
Baltic Amber contains succinic acid, a natural substance that’s said to act as a painkiller when absorbed by the body. This is why teething bracelets and necklaces made of Baltic Amber are popular, as when warmed by baby’s body temperature, the amber is thought to release this pain-relieving substance that’s absorbed by the child and would therefore help with teething pain. It’s worth noting however, the safety implications of chewing on small beads and chips, and the potential risks of the wearing of a necklace of bracelet at such young age. As well as this, the highest concentration of succinic acid is in the outer layers of the resin, which is stripped away during the polishing process. For these reasons, our Baltic amber jewellery is marketing to adults.
Amber is known for it's ability to draw out infection and congestion from deep in the body and is frequently used by healers for treating issues with the organs and glands. It's warming, sunny energy makes it useful during recouperation from any sickness or disease. It also helps motivate us towards self care. It it believed by many to be generally energising, moving stagnant energy and increasing metabolism, speeding sluggish digestion. The sunny revitalisation of tissues and organs also extends to mental energy, where memory can benefit.
Amber is a fierce ally for those that are spiritually and energetically sensitive. It offers protection to the aura and is believed to have transmutive qualities, taking negative energy, changing it to positive energy, and moving it on it's way. This applies to mood and emotion too, making it particularly helpful to those who struggle with negative thoughts, sluggish fatigue and general low mood in winter. This same ability helps those who work with others to develop a sense of altruistic regard for others and warm, creative means of self -expression. A wonderful tool for carers, nurses, healers and teachers, and anyone needing to stay positive, patient, motivated, warm and friendly. Next time you are served in the supermarket by a struggling checkout server, why not give them a small piece of amber as a random gift of kindness!.
MOHS: 2 - 2.5
Name: From "Ambar", arabic for ambergris, similar coloured whale product.
Substance: Organic mixture of hydrocarbons, not crystal. Fossilised tree resin, sometimes containing trapped insects or plant material.
Colour: Orange, yellow, brown, blue
Location: Britain, Poland, Italy, Romania, Russia, Germany, Myanmar, Dominica
Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Sacral
Pseudo and nick-names: "Elektron" (ancient Greek term for the sun)
Interesting Facts:
- Amber was formed at least four million years ago, with some dating back as far as 120 million years!
- Was once used as incense, where as now copal is considered more cost effective.
- Baltic amber was formed from conifer trees, 30-60 million years ago.
- Blue Amber is from the prehistoric leguminous tree Hymenaea Protera in the Dominion Republic and Sumatra and is rare compared to the yellow/brown form of amber. It gives a slight blue toned hue in strong ultraviolet light.
Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Physical/Environmental
- warming
- sore throats
- convalescence
- injury healing
- longevity
- self care
- protection
- seasonal affective disorder
- metabolism
- drawing out of infection
- contaminated organs
- sluggish digestion
- decontamination of organs and glands
- tissue revitalisation
- memory
- goitres
Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Emotional/Psychological:
- comfort
- soothing
- clarification
- friendship
- familiarity
- nurturing
- desires for wellness
- depression
- strength
- purpose
- barrier against emotional negativity
- stability
- joy
- intellectual stimulation
- self-expression
- patience
- decision making
- peace
- trust
Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Spiritual/Energetic
- warming
- summer energy
- healing
- life force activation
- prosperity
- manifestation
- purification
- Moving stagnant energy
- transmutes negative to positive
- light working
- aura protection
- altruism
- wisdom
*This information refers to the stone type in general and not any specific product made from or with it. It is based on folk lore and historical, traditional use only and does not contain scientifically proven health claims. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as a suggestion that the products can treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. They are not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Always see your doctor.*
(Sources: The Book of Stones - Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall, Crystals - Lauren D'Silva)
Browse our ranges, including Ethically Sourced Amber Healing Crystals here:
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