angelite blue crystals for healing with information on uses, properties and benefits. Healing crystals UK

Angelite - Properties, benefits, uses, meanings, associations

Known for it's soft blue colour, and with a hardness of only 3.5 on the MOHS scale, Angelite is one of the stones of awareness. It takes it's common name from it's rich history of use in angelic connection and awareness, Yet Angelite was actually a name given to Blue Anhydrite Gypsum that was found in Peru in the 80's and so you may also find it listed or referred to as this more formal identity. Angelite is often noted for it's similarity in colour and general properties to Celestite. This makes complete sense as it is actually formed from Celestite, and undergoes a change in structure over millions of years of compression, leaving many of the Celestite energetic properties within, simply altering the way energy is dispersed and flowing.

Angelite is frequently used for spiritual connection and communication, enhancing dream re-call and intuition.. It can help create balance the physical body and the energetic body. This in turn can enhance communication skills, helping us to speak our truth in a compassionate way, calming egotistic behaviours, and helping us into a place of diplomacy and acceptance when needed. It can also help someone listen when they are compelled to talk over.

In physical healing, Angelite has an infinity for the skeletal system, frequently turned to for strength and repair of bone tissues. This makes it a useful tool, not just for use on fractures and breaks, but also conditions such as osteoporosis, joint conditions and general mobility. Elsewhere, it is considered helpful for the throat area, thyroid and parathyroid. It seems to be helpful to the lungs and the arms too and has an cooling effect generally, helping inflammation. This cooling energy may also be explanatory for it's use in fluid balance and regulation in the body. Angelite makes a perfect meditation partner as it cools the mind, bringing tranquillity and peace, whilst moving the ego out of the way so we can connect with serenity.

MOHS: 3.5

Name:   Angelite: Taken from its use in angelic communication.

Substance: Orthorhombic form of Calcium Sulphate. A type of Blue Anhydrite.

Colours: Soft blue nodules with white exterior

Location: Peru, Britain, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Libya

Chakras: Throat, Third eye and Crown

Element: WInd

Pseudo and nick-names:  Blue Anhydrite "Stone of awareness"

Interesting Facts:

  • Angelite is formed from the compression of Celestite over millions of years and shares many of it's properties.

Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Physical/Environmental

  • Skeletal system
  • Bone density
  • Bone growth
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis
  • Mobility
  • Calcification of joints
  • Breaks and fractures
  • Appetite regulation
  • Digestion
  • Environmental Protection
  • Tissue repair
  • Vascular repair
  • Fluid balance
  • Diuretics
  • Inflammation
  • Thyroid
  • Parathyroid
  • Lungs
  • Arms
  • Cooling

Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Emotional/Psychological:

  • Gentle self-expression
  • Serenity
  • Expanded awareness
  • Serenity
  • Benevolence
  • Intuition
  • Quietening thoughts
  • Soothing
  • Tranquillity
  • Conflict management
  • Egotistical behaviours
  • Compassionate speech
  • listening in place of speaking
  • Clear communication
  • Diplomacy
  • Acceptance

Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Energetic/Spiritual:

  • Angelic communication
  • Spiritual connection
  • Intuition
  • Dream recall
  • Meditation
  • Attunement
  • Balancing physical with etheric

*This information refers to the stone type in general and not any specific product made from or with it. It is based on folk lore and historical, traditional use only and does not contain scientifically proven health claims. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as a suggestion that the products can treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. They are not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Always see your doctor.*

(Sources: The Book of Stones - Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall, Crystals - Lauren D'Silva)

Browse our ranges, including Ethically Sourced Angelite Healing Crystals here:

Crystals, holistic tools, and naturally healthy lifestyle products – HIPPIE Life UK

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