Malachite is usually one of the most easily recognisable stones, as the popular varieties used today are a vivid green colour with dark banding. Pieces that displayed circular patterning were used as talisman against the evil eye in the middle ages. However, this popularity in circular patterning has led to an influx of fake stone, often from China. The imposters are easy to spot if you spend time with genuine Malachite, as the dark bands are usually more solid, clearly defined, and often parallel to one another, whereas natural malachite has more freedom in it's movement and a more whisky appearance in it's banding.
Malachite is a favourite amongst healers due to the richness of it's uses and it's strong, masculine energy. It is a soft stone however, that damages easily, and healers report it taking on a sticky weight after use which requires thorough cleansing. Care must be taken with this stone however, as although once ground down and used as eyeshadow amongst the ancient kingdoms, we have since discovered it to be high in toxicity, making both crystal care, and ethical sourcing, of high importance.
Malachite was once favoured by women in labour and known as "The midwife stone". Believed to facilitate change and stimulate chi energy, whilst supporting the womb to be be productive, It is also now thought to also help with DNA alignment and physical healing after surgery or blood loss, as well as and post trauma recovery for the female organs!
The birthing theme continues into Malachite's energetic, spiritual, and emotional uses too! Empowering us to confidently and boldly take creative action, bringing ideas and dreams into a manifested reality, and making conscious choices that bring out will in line with our spirit. It helps us to take leadership over our lives, whilst remaining balanced, non-egotistical, and true to our integrity. By making us aware of our personal limitations, and revealing boundaries, it grounds us in self-responsibility and gives us a desire to take the action we need to overcome. This makes Malachite a useful stone for delf-exploration and developing both emotional intelligence and self-awareness, giving us the tools we need to overcome victim or abuser polarity, resentfulness, jealousy, and residual emotional and behavioural patterns remaining from traumatic experiences.
MOHS: 3.5 - 4
Name: From "malache", Greek for "mallow", or "malakos". Greek for "soft".
Substance: A botryoidal mass of copper carbonate, occasionally appearing as prismatic crystals.
Colour: Green
Location: Zaire, Australia, Romania, Chile, South Africa, USA, Russia, Middle East.
Element: Fire
Chakras: Solar Plexus and Heart
Pseudo and nick-names: "The midwife stone"
Interesting Facts:
- Sometimes appears intertwined with Azurite or Chrysocolla.
- Eliat, now a rare Israelian stone, is a combination of Malachite, Chrysocolla, and turquoise.
- Popular in with ancient Greeks and romans for jewellery, and powdered into eyeshadow.
- Now known to be toxic - use with care
- Known in Egypt in 3000 BC
Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Physical/Environmental
- stomach illness
- digestion
- colon
- heart
- electrical conductivity
- recouperation
- strength
- vitality
- post operative tissue healing
- formation of blood red cells
- formation of haemoglobin
- oxygenation of the blood
- inflammation
- strains
- sprains
- injuries
- detoxification
- fasting
- arthritis
- radiation
- EMF pollution
- dyslexia
- cramps
- menstrual pain
- childbirth
- female organs
- high blood pressure
- asthma
- epilepsy
- fractures
- joint pain
- growths
- travel sickness
- vertigo
- optic nerve
- pancreas
- spleen
- parathyroid
- DNA alignment
- cellular structure
- immune system
- diabetes
- infection
Historical and Traditional Folk Uses - Emotional/Psychological:
- enlightened leadership
- creativity
- confidence
- heart healing
- alertness to danger
- balance
- positivity
- benevolence
- emotional distance
- emotional intelligence
- willpower
- confidence
- self-responsibility
- taking action
- alignment of will
- reduction of egotistic leadership
- resolve to overcome
- integrity
- perception of personal limitations
- creative passion
- responsibility
- revealing boundaries
- confusion
- conscious choices
- victim/abuser polarity
- organisation
- fear
- self-expression
- unconditional love
- risk taking
- change and transformation
- breaking ties and behaviour patterns
- shyness
- psycho-sexual difficulties
- sexual trauma
- mental illness
- processing and absorbing information
- intensifying moods
- inner exploration
- resentfulness
- envy
- protection
- auric strength
- viability shielding
- empathy protection
- Yang energy
- divine masculine
- manifestation
- drawing out of impurity in energy field
- removal of auric constrictions
- stimulates chi
- grounding
- safety from abuses of power
- cleansing
- amplification
*This information refers to the stone type in general and not any specific product made from or with it. It is based on folk lore and historical, traditional use only and does not contain scientifically proven health claims. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as a suggestion that the products can treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. They are not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Always see your doctor.*
(Sources: The Book of Stones - Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall, Crystals - Lauren D'Silva)
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