Newsletter with information about the properties, benefits and applications of Cypress Essential Oil, and how to use it safely and effectively.

Cypress Essential Oil - Uses, properties, benefits, applications

The cypress tree is a perennial member of the Coniferae family. It is native to the Mediterranean, the oil is mainly produced in France and Spain. In many cultures, the cypress is associated with death and mourning. However, it is also seen as a symbol of hope and new beginnings. The tree’s strong roots represent the firm foundation that we need to build our lives on with it's strength and endurance, able to withstand high winds and harsh conditions. As an evergreen that retains its leaves year-round, it also symbolises constancy and represents the hope of eternal life. It can grow up to 35ft tall and live from over 1000 years. They have fruits in the form of pineapple (hexagonal shell) within which are germinative and long-lasting seeds. With a long-established history as a source of ritualistic incense Cypress essential oil is commonly used these days and excellent women’s oil, especially during menstruation and the menopause, amongst other things.

Cypress is a typically balancing oil, bringing emotional equilibrium and being supportive when experiencing mood swings. When tension arises, it can soothe and relax, helping ease anxiety. Yet this is also an uplifting oil when it needs to be, helping us feel more positive and providing invigorating refreshment in our weariness. As such, it is a favourite when facing bereavement, grief, or loss, offering comfort and hope whilst providing us with strength and stamina to aid concentration and focus, and bring endurance and peace

Cypress oil has a toning effect on veins and helps to regulate blood flow. It's astringent action makes it useful for blends for varicose veins, or as a sitz bath for piles. In supporting healthy circulation, it can help the bodies natural detoxification processes too. Cypress is frequently used in massage treatments for rheumatism and osteoarthritis, as well as easing gout pain. It is antispasmodic and so may help relive cramps and spasms and general aches too. Some aromatherapists consider it useful for injury rehabilitation. Although best known for easing menstrual cramps and discomfort, Cypress is fabulous for relieving water retention at ant stage of life or cycle. It can also help ease emotional symptoms associated with menopause and may even have a slight oestrogenic action. Cypress is thought by many to aid the healing of wounds, which would make sense as it is both antiseptic, and drying. Its astringent properties can slow bleeding too. It can also help relieve a hacking cough, making it good for use in the event of colds or flu.

By toning and tightening loose skin, Cypress oil and help in preparations for post weight loss skin care or following pregnancy (when not breast feeding). Cypress has both drying and astringent abilities, meaning that it can help reduce excess oils on the skin and tighten the appearance of pores. It helps to disperse retained water from tissues, helping reduce the appearance of puffiness, such as on the face, and temporarily reduce areas of water retention on the body too. By improving circulation, and supporting the body's detoxification process, Cypress can help with longer term approaches to cellulite reduction. Finally, Cypress acts as an insect repellent and promotes healing with it's mild antiseptic properties and soothing nature.

Name: Cupress sempervirens

Synonyms: Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress

Extraction Method: Steam distilled from needles, twigs and cones

Main places of production:  Native to the Mediterranean, the oil is mainly produced in France and Spain.

Interesting facts:

  • The cypress tree is a long-established source of ritualistic incense
  • It can grow up to 35ft tall and live from over 1000 years.
  • A perennial member of the Coniferae family.
  • Because of its high a-pinene and d-3-carene content we recommend that oxidation of cypress oil is avoided by storage in a dark, airtight container in a refrigerator. The addition of an anti-oxidant to preparations containing it is recommended.

Key constituents:

  • a-Pinene
  • d-3-Carene 
  • Cedrol 
  • a-Terpinyl acetate 
  • Terpinolene 
  • (þ)-Limonene 
  • b-Pinene 
  • Sabinene 
  • b-Myrcene 
  • d-Cadinene 
  • Terpinen-4-yl-acetate 
  • a-Terpineol 
  • Sandaracopimaradiene
  • p-Cymene 
  • g-Terpinene
  • Terpinen-4-ol 
  • Borneol


  • toning
  • calming
  • soothing
  • astringent
  • circulatory stimulant
  • anti spasmodic
  • drying
  • deodorising
  • warming
  • uplifting
  • detoxifying
  • antiseptic
  • ant sudorific
  • diuretic
  • hepatic
  • local vasoconstrictor
  • anti tumour

Historic, Traditional, and Folklore Physical Uses:

  • varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • hacking coughs
  • spasmodic coughs
  • foot odour
  • period pains
  • oedema
  • oily skin
  • muscular aches
  • aching legs
  • loose or puffy skin
  • cellulite
  • rheumatism
  • osteoarthritis
  • join paint
  • injury rehabilitation
  • wound healing
  • nosebleeds
  • nervous strain
  • diarrhoea
  • colds and flu
  • menopausal symptoms
  • PMS
  • bronchitis
  • bleeding gums
  • insect repellent 

Historic, Traditional, and Folklore Emotional and Psychological Uses:

  • uplifting
  • soothing
  • relaxing
  • positivity
  • anxiety
  • tension
  • weariness
  • bereavement
  • grief
  • loss
  • comfort
  • strength
  • concentration
  • focus
  • refreshing
  • invigorating
  • balancing mood swings
  • equilibrium
  • consistency
  • endurance
  • hope
  • peace

Historic, Traditional, and Folklore Spiritual and Energetic Uses:

  • yin energy
  • planet Saturn
  • earth element
  • transition
  • longevity
  • protection
  • change
  • spiritual decisions
  • death and the afterlife

Oil descriptive: A pale yellow or clear green oil, with a fresh, sweet and resinous pine-like woody and nutty aroma.

Scent note:  Middle

Blends well with:  Lemon, Lavender, Ginger, Pine, Juniper, Geranium, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Marjoram and Orange.

Cats and dogs: Considered toxic to cats but generally safe around (not on) dogs.

Warnings, cautions and contraindications:

  • Old or oxidized oils should be avoided as they cause sensitisation.
  • Not safe for use in pregnancy or lactation
  • Do not use internally
  • Do not use if diagnosed with neurological problems
  • Not suitable for asthmatics or those at risk from respiratory system suppression.
  • Not suitable for persons with dermatitis or damaged and hypersensitive skin.
  • Not suitable for persons with a conifer allergy
  • Not safe for those sensitive to Oestrogen, or with conditions or medications that may be.
  • If you have any other diagnosed health condition, or take other medications or supplements, please speak to a professional before use.(Feel free to contact us via webchat - we are qualified and insured to advise you)

Find out essential oil ranges here here:

Essential Oils | Oil Burners & Diffusers – HIPPIE Life UK

*Applications and properties are based on traditional folklore and provided for entertainment purposes only. They are not necessarily proven health claims and are not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease. Always see your doctor! 

Please seek advice from a holistic vet or qualified veterinary aromatherapist if planning to use essential oils on animals as their safe and effective use is different on animals. We are only qualified and insured to advise on human use where animals may be present within the environment, not the use of essential oils on the animal itself.

Sources: HIPPIE Essential Oil Supplier safety and certification sheets, "Little Book of Essential Oils", "The Beauty Book", and "Essential Oils" all by Neal's Yard Remedies, "Essential Oil Safety" - Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, "Subtle Aromatherapy" - Patricia Davis, "The Art of Aromatherapy" - Robert Tisserand, "Handbook of Incense, Oils and Candles" - Maya Heath, "Complete Formulary of Magical Oils" - Celeste Hayne Heldstar

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